Your Reviews 您的評論

Your comments and reviews are extremely valuable to us and to other online shoppers. Please share with us what you think of our products and/or your shopping experience at Aloha Beauty Shop. Your comments will surely help us improve. Thank you!
How to Submit Your Reviews 如何發表您的評論
1. Submit through email 透過電郵發表
You will receive a product review email 5 days after your online purchase 於網上下單後5天您將會收到產品評論的電郵

2. Submit on our website 在網站發表
Click "WRITE A REVIEW" at the bottom of any product page 在產品頁的底部按「WRITE A REVIEW」

How to Get Free Samples 如何得到免費樣板
Choose you samples here and add them to your cart along with your purchase. 到這裡揀選樣板並加到您的購物車內,然後與購買的產品一同前往結帳
Terms & Conditions 條款及細則
1. Rewarded samples will be delivered with your purchase 獲贈的樣板將於您消費時與貨品一同寄出
2. Reviews submitted from November 6, 2016 onwards are counted only 只是2016年11月6日或之後寫的評論會被計算在內
3. No maximum number of reviews is applied. However, only up to 3 rewarded samples can be added to each purchase 不設評論數目限制,但每次購物時只可額外獲贈最多3個樣板(不計買一送一樣板)
Example: If you purchase 2 retail size products (get 2 samples) and have submitted 3 reviews (get 3 samples), you will receive a total of 5 samples.