Instructions - SP_Pore

1. Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser 山竹零毛孔潔面啫喱 125ml

Take a pea size amount of cleanser in hand and mix it with water. Gently massage the entire face and neck in circular motion for 1-2 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly with warm water. Recommend using twice a day.

2. Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Concentrate 山竹零毛孔濃縮液 35ml

Apply 1-2 pumps of concentrate to cleansed skin before applying moisturizer. Recommend using twice a day.

3. Mangosteen Gel Moisturizer 山竹零毛孔啫喱面霜 60ml

Apply a layer of moisturizer over the entire face and neck area. If needed, apply a thicker layer on dry areas. Recommend using twice a day. Tips: To achieve better results, apply the Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Concentrate before the moisturizer.
在已潔淨的臉和頸上塗上薄薄一層。如有需要,可在較乾位置塗上多一層面霜。建議早晚使用。Tips: 為達到更佳效果,可在用面霜前先塗上一層山竹零毛孔濃縮液