Instructions - must haves
Take a small amount of cleansing gel in hand and mix it with water. Gently massage the entire face and neck in circular motion for 1-2 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly with warm water. Recommend using twice a day.
Dispense 1-2 shakes of dry dermafoliant to palm of hand and add a small amount of water. Rub hands together to create a creamy paste and apply to face using circular motions, careful to avoid the delicate areas around the eye. Massage into skin before rinsing thoroughly with water and patting skin dry. Recommend using at least once a week. Tips: For a smoother application, mix it with any Eminence cleanser when cleansing face, it can be used everyday as a daily facial scrub.
搖1-2下讓去角質粉倒在手掌上,加入少量水混成糊狀,然後以打圈的手法在面上輕按。其間小心避免接觸眼部,最後用溫水徹底沖洗乾淨及印乾皮膚。建議每星期最少使用1次。Tips: 去角質粉和Eminence的潔面乳可以在每天潔面時一同使用,令質感更柔滑和達到深層潔面效果。
Apply a layer of moisturizer over the entire face and neck area. If needed, apply a thicker layer on dry areas. Recommend using twice a day. Tips: To achieve better results, apply a serum or booster-serum before the moisturizer.
在已潔淨的臉和頸上塗上薄薄一層。如有需要,可在較乾位置塗上多一層面霜。建議早晚使用。Tips: 為達到更佳效果,可在用面霜前先塗上一層精華素或速效精華。
Apply 1-2 pumps of firming fluid to cleansed skin before applying moisturizer. Recommend using twice a day.
Apply a small amount of eye serum to the contour area around the eyes using a gentle tapping motion. Try not to pull the delicate skin around the eye area. If needed, apply a layer of eye cream on top.