April Sale 2022
For the whole April, enjoy 10% off with purchase of any 4 products storewide!
- No coupon code required
- All successful purchases will receive a box of Eminence Organics Surgical Masks (10pcs, colour: Pebble Khaki / Moss Green)
- All Eminence skin care products are eligible, including Staff Pick Combos
- Staff Pick Combos will be counted at 1 item, and will receive double discounts
- All successful purchases will receive a box of Eminence Organics Surgical Masks (10pcs, colour: Pebble Khaki / Moss Green)
- All Eminence skin care products are eligible, including Staff Pick Combos
- Staff Pick Combos will be counted at 1 item, and will receive double discounts
- 無需輸入優惠代碼
- 所有9折訂單可獲贈Eminence口罩一盒(10片 / 顏色:卡其或松綠)
- 所以護膚品產品均適用於本優惠,包括Staff Pick優惠組合
- Staff Pick優惠組合會當作一件產品計算,顧客購買Staff Pick優惠組合可享折上折優惠
- 所有9折訂單可獲贈Eminence口罩一盒(10片 / 顏色:卡其或松綠)
- 所以護膚品產品均適用於本優惠,包括Staff Pick優惠組合
- Staff Pick優惠組合會當作一件產品計算,顧客購買Staff Pick優惠組合可享折上折優惠
Questions? Chat now or WhatsApp +852 6825 6235